Strengthening Economies in Wyoming: A Forum for Coal-Reliant Communities


The National Association of Counties(NACo) and the National Association of Development Organizations(NADO) Research Foundation hosted  Strengthening Economies in Wyoming: A Forum for Coal-Reliant Communities on October 8-9, 2018 in Campbell County, Wyo., through the support of the U.S. Economic Development Administration-Denver Regional Office.   

This educational and interactive forum was designed to convene and assist counties and regions in Wyoming experiencing economic and other community challenges due to changing conditions of the coal industry. This forum brought together stakeholders from local, regional, state and federal government, as well as nonprofit and private sector partners, to learn and share best practices, lessons learned and new opportunities to support economic diversification and other economic development efforts.  During the event, plenary and panel sessions covered a variety of topics including  strategic partnerships, entrepreneurship, community engagement, energy, research & technology, and education & workforce development.

Wyoming Governor Matt Mead, as well as U.S Senators John Barrasso & Mike Enzi, joined the forum to share vision and perspective on building a stronger, more diversified economy in Wyoming.

Below is the link to the full forum agenda, followed by links to the presentations, other resources and photos.

Full Program/Agenda:  Strengthening Economies in Wyoming 

Photo Gallery 

The Future of Coal and Implication for Campbell County and Wyoming

Regulatory & Markets Update: The State of the Rollback, Electricity Market Issues and ‘Life:Powered’ Initiative

Building Stronger Economies: An Overview of Economic Diversification

Roadmaps to Diversification: Planning & Community Engagement Perspectives from Montana

Building Stronger Economies in Wyoming: Spotlight on ENDOW(Economically Needed Diversity Options for Wyoming)

Innovative Opportunities for Advanced Coal

Serving Wyoming through Research Partnerships

Importance of Commercial Air Service: A Spotlight on Campbell County

  • Michael Von Flatern, Wyoming State Senator & Chairman of Minerals, Business, & Economic Development Committee


Forum in the News

Additional Resources

