Kresge Foundation


The Kresge Foundation’s Arts and Culture grants focus on creative placemaking, a comprehensive community development approach that embeds arts and culture in stabilizing disinvested communities.

Arts and culture are an integral part of life and, when embedded in cross-sector revitalization activity, contribute to positive and enduring economic, physical, social and cultural change in communities. Kresge seeks to make arts and culture a central element to equitable strategies for rebuilding and reinvigorating metropolitan areas such as urban planning, housing, transportation, and economic development.

It uses the term creative placemaking to refer to the deliberate integration of arts and culture in revitalization work. This approach supports our belief that all community members should benefit from community revitalization activity and from the integration of arts and culture into such efforts. Kresge welcome applicants committed to our brand of creative placemaking and improving life circumstances for low-income and underrepresented people.

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