
Community Development Investment Review: Creative Placemaking
This issue (Volume 10, Issue 2) of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s Community…

Educate and Empower: Tools For Building Community Wealth
This report draws on case studies of 11 different community economic development initiatives from across the…

Cities Building Community Wealth
This report by Democracy Collaborative showcases how economic development professionals and mayors are working in…

Americans for the Arts’ Creative Industries reports
These reports help to paint a picture of the impact of the arts on a…

Arts & Economic Prosperity IV
Arts and Economic Prosperity IV (AEPIV) is a study of the nonprofit arts and culture…

How Arts and Cultural Strategies Create, Reinforce, and Enhance Sense of Place
This research report by the American Planning Association discusses strategies a community can use to…

County Airport Infrastructure Investments: Helping Economic Development Take Flight
Counties play a critical role in ensuring safe, efficient and resilient transportation infrastructure across the…

District-Scale Energy Planning
The report from the project, District-Scale Energy Planning (2015), introduces a four-phase process for district-scale energy planning:…

Creating Safe Growth Strategies for the San Francisco Bay Area
Creating Safe Growth Strategies for the San Francisco Bay Area (2015) strives to show that communities…

Attracting Infill Development in Distressed Communities: 30 Strategies
Many communities across the country have been revitalizing their older neighborhoods, traditional downtowns and central…