Creating an Economic Diversification Trust Fund
This report reviews: West Virginia’s economic challenges Permanent severance tax trust funds in other stats…
The Decline of Central Appalachian Coal and the Need for Economic Diversification
This report explores the following topics: Declining competitiveness of central Appalachian coal for electricity generation…
Downstream Strategies: Reports and Projects
Reports and projects from Downstream Strategies explore many topics including: Diversifying energy production Food hubs Policy…
Benedum Foundation: Reports
The Benedum Foundation’s reports cover topics such as: Community development Education Food systems Health care…
Blueprint for Attracting and Sustaining Advanced Manufacturing in Southwest Virginia
This report is built upon guiding principles that understand and appreciate the manufacturing tradition which…
Partnership for Sustainable Communities: Publications
This page contains publications from the three agencies (HUD, DOT, EPA) in the Partnership for Sustainable…
NADO: Publications
NADO’s publications page contains reports about economic revitalization, economic resilience, sustainability and more. Browse NADO’s publications here:
Navigating Our Future: Best Practices Case Studies from the Tennessee Regions’ Roundtable Network
This report shares successful examples of local, regional and state-level projects across Tennessee. Stories highlight…
Crew: Case Studies
These case studies from Wales cover several topics including: Community development Green energy Refurbishment/regeneration Read…
Revitalizing Appalachia: How to Strengthen Appalachia’s Industrial Economy
This page links to fact sheets about industrial economies in four states with large coal…