
U.S. Economic Development Administration: Research Reports
This webpage features tools and research reports from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. To view…

U.S. Economic Development Administration: Annual Reports
The annual reports from the U.S. Economic Development Administration are available online, starting with the…

USDA Rural Development: Publications
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development’s publications webpage includes USDA reports; fact sheets on USDA…

Strategies for Economic Improvement in Appalachia’s Distressed Rural Counties
This report presents the challenges confronting economic and community development efforts in rural Appalachian communities…

Entrepreneurial Appalachia: Case Studies in Evolving Economic Sectors
This report presents successful stories of entrepreneurship in Appalachia. Case studies include: Ohio University Innovation…

EntreWorks Consulting: Reports
EntreWorks Consulting provides links to its reports from 2006-2014. Topics include: Appalachia Defense Economic Diversity…

Revitalizing Appalachia: How Congress Can Correct Distortions in the Coal Market and Invest in Struggling Coal Communities
In this report, the Center for American Progress states that the federal program for leasing…

Economic Diversity in Appalachia: Statistics, Strategies, and Guides for Action
This report provides lessons to inform local and regional economic development efforts across Appalachia. Case…

Unify, Regionalize, Diversify: An Economic Development Agenda for Nevada
This report represents a five month study to define the economic challenges of Nevada; identify…

U.S. Economic Development Administration: Case Studies
These case studies from the U.S. Economic Development Administration are divided into four categories: Regional…